Upcoming Events
General Rules of our Tournaments

For all games we decided to apply this tool which shows if the limit of horse archers is exceeded and has a clicker of exact 10 cps. Before playing, do not forget to change the number of shooters in the tool according to the rules that you have to play. For it to work you have to download SHC Warchest first. Further information on how it works you can find in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGPMH3lxbwI
1. Maximum Clicks Per Second: 10 cps and not higher than that.
If you are suspected of using more than 10, you will be at risk of getting yourself disqualified with no exceptions!
2. No VPN: All players must play from real IP to prevent accounts sharing.
Each and every IP will be checked in GameRanger's lobby carefully. If any VPN is detected, the game will not start except in case of agreement.
Each and every game must be recorded from YOUR point of view since the very beginning of the tournament as evidential material in case if allegations of fraud arise.
Upon asked, the entire original recording must be submitted for review to tournament administration. If there is no recording and you are unable to prove your innocence while being accused of cheating,
the winning(s) will go to your opponent even if you have won the match, or even worse, you will get disqualified depending on what the circumstances are.
Recording should include: Desktop as well as task manager shown right before and right after the game(s). There has to be ONE full recording rather than many different parts of it. Following your finish of each game we will take our time to watch if you do not access the desktop again during recording for us to see the start of the next game.
This way we will be able to determine if you have no additional clicking / third party softwares opened and are playing fair more easily. It is only necessary upon request by the hosts and your screen has to be shared on Discord right after the games with your just recorded footage.
Tip: If you don't want anyone to see your desktop icons, you can right click on your desktop, press view and uncheck the show desktop icons option.
In addition, all of the games will be streamed / recorded by the official watchers and uploaded
to our tournaments channel. If one of us unexpectedly crashes out of the game during a match,
we are going to take recordings from the players themselves as an alternative.
For the same reasons, we highly suggest you to not forget and always keep an eye out on recorder to make sure it's ready!​
4. Maximum Crash Limit: 2 times.
If a player crashes more than twice in a certain match, he will be declared as loser immediately of a single game and the win will be given to his opponent. The limit resets again for each game.
In case if someone crashes during peace time, it's prohibited to change economy and a player must
stick with the same as in the first launch of the game, unless if the opponent does not mind.
5. Usage of Trainer (T-Search), Shield/Cat maker, or any other software program that runs with the game other then SHC itself is strictly prohibited.
Do not use anything that you know is a cheat or a glitch, such as double workers, fast workers or any other glitch. Special attention will be paid to deleting buildings that cost gold depending on
the amounts received. You are at your own risk. Do not exceed the 10 CPS limit!
Keep in mind, tricks such as enclosing campfire for having population stay at the middle of the map is not allowed!
6. Moat bug is forbidden to use, unless your opponent uses traps hole to prevent you from digging
or if someone makes an opening at the end of the wall by deleting a pixel of it and the moat on purpose while defending - in this case, it is more than fair to use that.
However, if that's a gap at gate's drawbridge, you must close the gate first so you can dig the moat without breaking the rules.
7. No woodcutter hut blocking.
Build on your own space, there is always an imaginary dividing line that splits the map in half, build
only in your area.
8. If it's a 1v1 game on a 2v2 map, you are only allowed to use YOUR stone/iron/food in your one spot, unless it's an all grass map, then you can use all the grass you want on your 'side' of the map.
9. All of the games must be played with official watchers. We do not make exceptions for anyone and the games will not count otherwise.
Always make sure to double check on settings and rules that you have to play
before the game starts!
Exact same settings and rules must be played as indicated in the website. Any mistakes regarding this will not be tolerated and the game(s) will have to be replayed.
Please be certain that we will always prioritize these RULES. Our aim is to be as fair hosts as possible to each
participant. You are all equal to us, so we assure you that we will always try our best when it comes to making
the fairest judgment we can within our discretion, no matter who you are, by following the RULES!
It is NECESSARY for our participants to have/use: Stronghold Crusader version either 1.1 or 1.2, as they are identical to each other, since the original version of the game is 1.2.